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I will help you to achieve this by teaching you how to specifically work on yourself with healing and energy tools and techniques that I have honed for over two decades.


Click on the individual class pages under this section for more specific and detailed information on each class.


 I invite you to some exciting courses I developed to help you express the parts of yourself that you always knew existed but never knew how to express or manifest.


Embodying Your Divinity

This is a substantial and rich course, comprising of: nightly astral work, energetic tools, guest speakers and support given in between classes, and a forum for a community of like-minded souls, amongst other things.

At the end of this course, you will be equipped with the tools you need to embody your divinity more and more.

Cosmic Citizen

In this transformational program, you’ll create a conscious and expanded relationship with your own spirit and your intergalactic neighbors. 

"EYD" Grad School

This is a continuation of the course and dives deeper into the realm of cleaning out old programming and energies so that one resonates more fully in their unique frequency embodying divine love, light and wholeness. Great for healers and practitioners who want to take their intuitive work to the next level.

Living a Life of Love Workshop

Have you encountered the same issues over and over in dating or in your relationship? Learn how to get to the energetic roots of what is going on and take your love to the next level (in your relationship with yourself and/or with your current or potential loves).

Special Clinics

One day or short courses that are special topics or continuing education for other lessons. 

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